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Texas Association of Counties
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    County Magazine

    Fall 2023

    County Magazine | October 25, 2023

    Thank you for another year of engagement, education

    County Magazine | TAC Executive Directors Report

    Executive Director's Report

    As 2023 winds down, it is important to reflect on the many successes of the year for TAC's strategic initiatives. This year began with one of the largest groups of newly elected officials in recent history. One of our strategic initiatives is to build stronger relationships with our members and key stakeholders. A primary goal under this initiative involved revamping our Newly Elected Official (NEO) box, and this class of newly elected officials received the first offering of it. The goal of the NEO box is to ensure you have the information you need to begin your career as a newly elected county official. The TAC Board and our Pool boards also played an important role in this initiative, agreeing to act as ambassadors for TAC and our newest members. Many thanks to the board members who assisted with the first-time attendee mixer at the TAC 2023 Legislative Conference!

    We are not just resolved to working more closely with our newest members but aim to strengthen our relationship with all our members. Another strategic initiative focuses on data analysis, and our team spent many hours on this, exploring how we can share the value TAC brings to your county. Every elected and appointed county official was sent a "county report card" in January to show your county's involvement in TAC services for 2022. Be watching for an expanded version of this report in January 2024.

    Thank you to all of you who took the time to answer the County Pulse survey that was spearheaded by our Member Services and Support strategic initiative team. The participation rate exceeded our expectations! We are using the results of the survey to examine which TAC services are most valued and which services need to be revamped to better meet your needs.

    Other successes for 2023 include our first County Technology Conference in May. Technology in county government is ever-changing. The many speakers and panels during this event shared eye-opening information on the importance of county officials and employees understanding the opportunities and challenges surrounding technology and cybersecurity.

    The first in-person County Elections Academy also was held this year. Providing secure and accurate elections continues to be at the center of conversations locally and nationally. Secretary of State Jane Nelson emphasized this point during the opening session of the TAC Legislative Conference in August. The County Elections Academy Advisory Committee embraced the mission and delivered a strong educational event.

    Speaking of the TAC Legislative Conference: Nelson and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick opened the conference, which had the largest attendance in its history. They urged getting involved in the legislative process and building relationships with legislators. We are, in fact, stronger together.

    I want to thank the great team at TAC for their tireless efforts and dedication to delivering unbelievable customer service. A special thank you to the TAC Board of Directors for their support of this team and for their dedication to ensuring TAC continues to be the trusted resource for county officials and their staffs.

    As a moment of personal privilege: The end of 2023 marks the end of a historic TAC presidency. Nathan Cradduck was the first county auditor to serve as president. He has led with grace, determination and a true love for TAC and county government. He has served you well during the past two years, improving and strengthening TAC as a result. On behalf of the TAC team, thank you, Nathan.

    Happy holidays to each of you. We look forward to 2024 and continuing to move forward together.

    Stay #254Strong!

    Written by: Susan M. Redford