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Texas Association of Counties
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    Resource Library

    Search and view every resource that is currently available on our website.


    Order Form Legislative Analysis Report

     Legislative  Legislative Analysis Report Order Form, 88th Legislature.


    TAC Legal Services

    TAC's Legal Services Department can help county officials with the challenges that they face due to a complex web of laws and regulations.

    Education & Training

    Leadership 254

     Education and Training  Leadership 254 is designed to advance the skills of county officials to enable them to meet the unique challenges of their duties and to enhance their leadership skills and style.

    Education & Training

    Continuing Education Credit

     Education and Training  TAC submits applications for CE credit to each governing body. Upon approval, the number of hours will be posted.


    Risk Management and Risk Control Training

     Risk Management Pool  TAC Risk Management Pool (TAC RMP) members have access to training and educational programs to help them increase safety awareness and improve their risk management programs.


    Federal Disaster Information & Resources

     TAC  Helpful links, general information and news releases from federal agencies.


    TAC Publications

     Resources for Officials 


    Planning Calendar

     Resources for Officials  This annual calendar includes reminders for key processes and deadlines mandated by law for counties, along with opportunities for continuing education and networking at county official conferences known at the time of publication.


    New to Office Kit

     Resources for Officials As a county official, winning your first election or being appointed to office can be a lot like buying the latest electronic gadget, and you may be asking, “Where’s the manual?”


    Member Services

     About TAC TAC offers a wide range of services to help counties navigate through the process county government.

    Outreach Tools

    Careers at TAC

     About TAC Want to join our team? Check out our open positions.


    Texas Judicial Academy Resources

     Education and Training  From the Bench Book to forms, helpful links and other resources, find answers here.

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