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Texas Association of Counties
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    Resource Library

    Search and view every resource that is currently available on our website.


    Prescription Benefits

     Health & Employee Benefits Pool  TAC HEBP's size enables extremely competitive prescription pricing. This helps stabilize and ultimately lower premiums for our members.


    Email Services

     TAC CIRA  TAC CIRA offers counties secure and low-cost email services, which include robust features such as collaboration and productivity tools, content protection and security best practice multifactor authentication.


    Risk Management and Risk Control Training

     Risk Management Pool  TAC Risk Management Pool (TAC RMP) members have access to training and educational programs to help them increase safety awareness and improve their risk management programs.


    Boiler Inspections for TAC RMP Property Members

     Risk Management Pool  The Texas Association of Counties Risk Management Pool (TAC RMP) provides state-required boiler inspections at no cost to members in its Property Program.


    Human Resources Consultants' Services

     Risk Management Pool  Knowledgeable consulting staff provide technical assistance, on-site training and other services.


    County Best Practices Awards Program Past Recipients

     Texas Counties 101 Every other year, the Texas Association of Counties' County Best Practices Awards Program recognizes noteworthy innovations and solutions that increase efficiency, improve operations or overcome obstacles brought about by, say, a pandemic.


    County Best Practices Awards Recipients

     Texas Counties 101 Every other year, the Texas Association of Counties' County Best Practices Awards Program recognizes noteworthy innovations and solutions that increase efficiency, improve operations or overcome obstacles brought about by, say, a pandemic.


    County Best Practices Awards Program

     Texas Counties 101 Every other year, the Texas Association of Counties' County Best Practices Awards Program recognizes noteworthy innovations and solutions that increase efficiency, improve operations or overcome obstacles brought about by, say, a pandemic.


    Teladoc Health®

     Health & Employee Benefits Pool  Teladoc Health empowers self-management of chronic conditions for individuals with diabetes and/or hypertension.


    Condition Management

     Health & Employee Benefits Pool  Sometimes managing your health requires more than just doctor visits, lab tests and prescriptions. As a member of the Texas Association of Counties Health and Employee Benefits Pool (TAC HEBP), you have access to programs and services, through Blue Care Connection®,designed with your health and wellness in mind. 


    TAC RMP Awards Program

     Risk Management Pool  TAC RMP Awards Program rewards and recognizes member counties and governmental entities for their commitment to controlling claims costs and developing and improving safety and loss control programs.



     Health & Employee Benefits Pool  Omada is a digital lifestyle-change program that helps people at risk for Type 2 diabetes or heart disease lose weight and build sustainable habits that improve their health.

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